合作夥伴海外市場代理經銷 International agent
我們樂意加速布局 中國、歐洲、美國、英國、德國、新加坡、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、越南、印度 等國際市場。透過對當地公司以代理合作的方式將商品引進,或是加大力度推動我們原有國際市場,我們所重視的,是代理商有沒有足夠的實力與計畫將商品成功的經營當地市場。
We are willing to accelerate our deployment in international markets such as the China, the Europe, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and India. Through agency cooperation with local companies to introduce products, or increase efforts to promote our original international market, what we value is whether the agents have sufficient strength and plans to successfully operate the local market.
我們理想中的夥伴應該是 :
- 了解當地市場的各項法令規定,特別是在健康食品進口方面:產品需不需要送審檢測?申請程序與費用?關稅規定如何?
- 了解當地商業經營環境:如設立門市的難易程度,以及成本與營收狀況,各項與開店相關的稅收,金流。
- 了解當地消費者:知道當地消費者對健康食品的使用習慣,以及當地的進口與本地健康食品的價格帶,本公司商品進入當地市場是否有獲利的空間?
- 有能力通過健康食品上市初期的各項要求:如檢測,進口等。
- 擁有經驗的團隊,有計畫的將商品導入當地市場上市。
Our ideal partner should be :
- Understand the various laws and regulations of the local market, especially in terms of health food imports: Do products need to be submitted for review and testing? Application procedures and fees? What are the tariff regulations?
- Understand the local business environment: such as the difficulty of setting up a store, as well as the cost and revenue status, various taxes and cash flows related to opening a store.
- Understanding local consumers: Knowing the habits of local consumers on healthy foods and the price bands of local imports and local healthy foods, is there any room for profit for the company’s products to enter the local market?
- Have the ability to pass various requirements for the listing of healthy food: such as testing, import, etc.
- Have a good team and quickly introduce products to the local market.
Therefore, when you are interested in the agency of our company, please submit a plan of yours. The plan should include the introduction of you and the team, and how do you plan to introduce the goods to the local market?
If you are willing to become our company's overseas agent, please contact us! We provide the best healthy food and reasonable profits.